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Web 2.0時代台灣消費者購物模式的轉變:檢驗AISAS網路消費模式
Change of Shopping Behavior in Taiwanese Consumers: Examining the AISAS Model of Online Consumer Behavior
作者 郭貞
進入Web 2.0時代,上網搜尋與分享消費資訊已成為消費者的日常習慣。本研究以實證資料檢驗了以日本電通廣告公司(dentsu)提出的AISAS為藍本的網路消費模式。從資料分析結果顯示如今網購者女性多於男性,40歲以下的民眾比年長族群多。上網搜尋商品資訊與使用SNS分享指標對於網上交易購買頻率都呈現相當顯著的正向推力,AISAS模式中強調的搜尋與分享均具有關鍵效益的假設得到支持,但是研究結果並不能區分二者的先後順序。四個購物傾向都對偏愛網購傾向有影響,但是只有便利至上傾向會直接提升網購頻率。
In the era of Web 2.0, searching and sharing product information online have become the daily habits of numerous consumers. This study investigated the AISAS model of consumer behavior that Dentsu proposed. Analyses of data indicated that women and younger generations are more likely to shop online. In addition, the two S's in AISAS, namely, searching and sharing, were found to contribute positively to online shopping behavior. However, the sequential order of these two S's cannot be determined through the study. All of the four consumer orientations were found to significantly influence attitudes toward online shopping, nevertheless, only convenience seems to directly lead to more frequent online shopping behavior.
起訖頁 139-165
關鍵詞 消費傾向商品資訊搜尋網路口碑行銷網路購物線上購物shopping orientationssearching for product informationonline word of mouth marketinginternet shoppingonline shopping
刊名 中華傳播學刊  
期數 201506 (27期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響新聞可信度與新聞素養效能因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 網路時代企業參與公益活動的分析與反思:以微軟MSN公益捐助計畫為例




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