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The Discursive Strategies Used by Political Talk Shows in Taiwan: “The Suspicious Case of GrandJustice's Lobbying for the Reconsideration of the Truth Investigation Committee Statute” as an Example
作者 孫秀蕙陳儀芬
The present study examines the political talk shows after the controversy of Taiwan presidential election in 2004. Taking “the suspicious case of Grand Justice's lobbying for the reconsideration of the Truth Investigation Committee Statute” as an example, the study uses textual analysis to probe into political talk shows within the specific social context and discusses the discourse strategies of the political talk shows. In addition, the study applies framing theories to identify frame strategies used by guests in the discursive process. The study finds that Pierre Bourdieu's notions of“ dramatisation” and “vision du monde” cannot adequately depict Taiwan's political talk shows. Nonetheless, these political talk shows, failing to function as a public sphere, present themselves together “as the TV series of blue-green party conflicts in Taiwan” regardless of varied topics and issues in programs. Although their stances are distinctly different, both party members use “strategy frames” when engaged in the political discourse. Finally, the paper reflects on both the media responsibility and media law in order to provide suggestions of improving the television political talk shows in Taiwan.
起訖頁 45-92
關鍵詞 論述策略電視政論節目公共論述領域文本分析策略框架discursive strategypolitical talk showsthe public sphere of discoursetextual analysisstrategy frame
刊名 中華傳播學刊  
期數 200912 (16期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 研究方法的反思與性別研究建制化的兩難
該期刊-下一篇 競選廣告之效果探討:以議題所有權策略為例




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