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Energy Saving Knowledge Chatbot
作者 陳志杰張仕穎邱子晉蔡名喬張俊盛
普羅大眾對於節能用電知識了解不足,使得舊家電汰換與節能方案(例:時間電價)的推動停滯不前。而近來對話機器人(chatbot)越來越流行,對話本身是極好的資訊傳遞介面,也越來越多產品知識與問答透過對話機器人來實作。本論文建立一個智慧問答機器人,提供名詞解釋、分享節電技巧、節電標章說明、家電耗電試算、試算採用時間電價的效益…等用電知識,期望能加速知識傳遞,進而推廣節能用電的實行。透過網路爬蟲收集問答資料、人工標記問題的分類、建立資訊檢索模型,並訓練支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的分類模型,開發出節能互動問答系統,希望能增加節能知識的觸及率並提高國人的節能意識,進而提升國人節能意願。
The lack of understanding of energy saving knowledge leads people to be slow in replacing their old, energy-inefficient household appliances, thus impeding the energy-saving promotion by the government. Recently, chatbot becomes more and more popular since conversation is a natural and effective interface for knowledge enquiry and information sharing. In this paper, we describe the development of an intelligent chatbot, which provides terminology defintions, energy saving tips, energy saving logo explanations, calculation of power cost and so on. We hope the application will speed up the knowledge transfer and promote the energy saving in everyday life. The method involves collecting knowledge related to energy saving, labelling the collected questions into (question, answer) pairs for training and testing, and training a classifier-based chatbot using Support Vector Machine (SVM) for answering energy-saving related questions. We utilize existing chatbot development tool, Chatfuel, to develop a chatbot system. This prototype has great potential in drawing attention to energy-saving awareness and practice.
起訖頁 276-285
關鍵詞 問答機器人支持向量機網路爬蟲ChatbotSVMWeb Crawler
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2018 (2018期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 On Four Metaheuristic Applications to Speech Enhancement-Implementing Optimization Algorithms with MATLAB R2018a




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