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Research and Implementation of Hakka Pinyin Input Method for Mobile Cell - An Example of Taiwan HioLiukAccent
作者 黃豐隆劉名峻
According to a survey data about the Hakka dialect made by Hakka Affairs Council in 2016, Hakka people in Taiwan is a population ratio of 19.3%, with 4.537 million peoples, making it the second largest cultural group in Taiwan. Coincidentally, the researcher of this thesis is a Taiwanese from Hsinchu city with a Hakka origin. Also, the Hakka accent in this area in Hsinchu is called HioLiuk accent. Thus, this thesis is based on HioLiuk accent. The Hakka input method not only has the basic functions such as Preference, Quick-type, words- prediction, but also displays a pinyin selection on the smart phone monitor for the user to key-in the desired word and instantly provides the special Hakka characters. This input method is designed for people who do not understand Hakka language well, and allows the users to use phonetic notation (without tones) as input. After keying in, the system will check its meaning and output the Hakka characters to finally choose from. There are 5,366 records in Hakka Single Word Pinyin database (table), 19,351 records in Hakka Word Pinyin database (table), 8,505 records in Hakka Previous and Successive Word database (table) and 1,679 records in Chinese To Hakka database (table). Speech synthesis system requires many voice files: 2,949 word files and 1,566 phrases provided by Hakka Affairs Council and Ministry of Education. In the survey questionnaire filled-out by users, HioLiuk input method got 4.0 points on average. Chinese To Hakka input method got 4.5 points on average, Hakka Language pronunciation got 4.3 points on average. Most users in Taiwan use pinyin input method, which has the big influence on the points. In the questionnaire about voice input, users believe that this system is conducive to those people who are learning Hakka and effective for the development of e-learning.
起訖頁 142-156
關鍵詞 智慧型手機客語海陸腔輸入法中文轉客語輸入法語言模型Mobile CellHakka Input MethodsChinese-Hakka Input MethodsLanguage Model
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2018 (2018期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 未登錄詞之向量表示法模型於中文機器閱讀理解之應用
該期刊-下一篇 以深層類神經網路標記中文階層式多標籤語意概念




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