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Isolated and Ensemble Audio Preprocessing Methods for Detecting Adversarial Examples against Automatic Speech Recognition
Isolated and Ensemble Audio Preprocessing Methods for Detecting Adversarial Examples against Automatic Speech Recognition
作者 Krishan Rajaratnam (Krishan Rajaratnam)Kunal Shah (Kunal Shah)Jugal Kalita (Jugal Kalita)
An adversarial attack is an exploitative process in which minute alterations are made to natural inputs, causing the inputs to be misclassified by neural models. In the field of speech recognition, this has become an issue of increasing significance. Although adversarial attacks were originally introduced in computer vision, they have since infiltrated the realm of speech recognition. In 2017, a genetic attack was shown to be quite potent against the Speech Commands Model. Limited-vocabulary speech classifiers, such as the Speech Commands Model, are used in a variety of applications, particularly in telephony; as such, adversarial examples produced by this attack pose as a major security threat. This paper explores various methods of detecting these adversarial examples with combinations of audio preprocessing. One particular combined defense incorporating compressions, speech coding, filtering, and audio panning was shown to be quite effective against the attack on the Speech Commands Model, detecting audio adversarial examples with 93.5% precision and 91.2% recall.
起訖頁 16-30
關鍵詞 adversarial attackspeech recognitiondeep learningaudio compressionspeech coding
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2018 (2018期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於數字文本相關之語者驗證系統的研究與實作
該期刊-下一篇 使用性別資訊於語者驗證系統之研究與實作




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