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Observing Features of PTT Neologisms: A Corpus-driven Study with N-gram Model
Observing Features of PTT Neologisms: A Corpus-driven Study with N-gram Model
作者 Tsun-Jui Liu (Tsun-Jui Liu)Shu-Kai HsiehLaurent PREVOT (Laurent PREVOT)
PTT (批踢踢) is one of the largest web forums in Taiwan. In the last few years, its importance has been growing rapidly because it has been widely mentioned by most of the mainstream media. It is observed that its influence reflects not only on the society but also on the language novel use in Taiwan. In this research, a pipeline processing system in Python was developed to collect the data from PTT, and the n-gram model with proposed linguistic filter are adopted with the attempt to capture two-character neologisms emerged in PTT. Evaluation task with 25 subjects was conducted against the system's performance with the calculation of Fleiss'kappa measure. Linguistic discussion as well as the comparison with time series analysis of frequency data are provided. It is hoped that the detection of neologisms in PTT can be improved by observing the features, which may even facilitate the prediction of the neologisms in the future.
起訖頁 250-259
關鍵詞 PTTNeologismsn-gramFleiss' kappaTime series analysis
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2013 (2013期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Causing Emotion in Collocation: An Exploratory Data Analysis
該期刊-下一篇 Variability in vowel formant frequencies of children with cerebral palsy




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