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A simple real-word error detection and correction using local word bigram and trigram
A simple real-word error detection and correction using local word bigram and trigram
作者 Pratip Samanta (Pratip Samanta)Bidyut B. Chaudhuri (Bidyut B. Chaudhuri)
Spelling error is broadly classified in two categories namely non word error and real word error. In this paper a localized real word error detection and correction method is proposed where the scores of bigrams generated by immediate left and right neighbour of the candidate word and the trigram of these three words are combined. A single character position error model is assumed so that if a word W is erroneous then the correct word belongs to the set of real words S generated by single character edit operation on W. The above combined score is calculated also on all members of S. These words are ranked in the decreasing order of the score. By observing the rank and using a rule based approach, the error decision and correction candidates are simultaneously selected. The approach gives comparable accuracy with other existing approaches but is computationally attractive. Since only left and right neighbor are involved, multiple errors in a sentence can also be detected ( if the error occurs in every alternate words ).
起訖頁 211-220
關鍵詞 Real word errorLocal context
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2013 (2013期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念統計分析
該期刊-下一篇 結合關鍵詞驗證及語者驗證之雲端身份驗證系統




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