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Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations
作者 王正豪葉庭瑋
如何有效分析文件的意見傾向,一直是熱門的研究議題之一。若能準確分類評論文章、網誌內容,將有助於產品或服務上的競爭分析或了解大眾在公共議題上的意見傾向。本論文提出一個基於評論目標發掘及意見詞修飾關係之微網誌評論意見傾向計算方法。首先,從微網誌收集主題相關評論及句子簡化處理。接著根據評論主題以及意見詞的修飾關係,發掘出主題相關的評論目標以判斷其意見傾向。實驗針對50部電影在Twitter上的1000篇英文評論進行分析,結果顯示本論文方法平均準確率accuracy為84.44%,同時最高precision可達88.89%,優於SVM及Naïve Bayes分類法。由此可驗證意見詞修飾關係的規則判斷能有效提高意見傾向分類的準確率。
Opinion analysis has grown to be one of the most active research areas in natural language processing. If we can classify reviews and messages of blogs correctly, it will help to analyze product and service competition and to realize the opinion orientations of the people on public issues. In this paper, we propose an opinion orientation estimation approach based on target finding and opinion modifying relations in microblog reviews. First, it collects reviews from microblog and preprocesses the source data. Then, by extracting any entity or aspect of the entity about which an opinion has been expressed according to opinion modifying relations, we calculate the overall score of opinion orientation. In our experiment on the 1000 movie reviews of 50 movies from Twitter, the average accuracy of the proposed method is 84.44%, and the highest precision is 88.89%, which is better than SVM and Naive Bayes. This validates the higher precision from modifying relation identification for opinion orientation classification.
起訖頁 168-182
關鍵詞 情感分析意見傾向微網誌意見詞修飾關係opinion analysisopinion orientationmicroblogsentiment wordmodifying relation
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2013 (2013期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 以狄式分佈為基礎之多語聲學模型拆分及合併
該期刊-下一篇 主要漢字形聲字發音規則探勘與視覺化




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