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Sub-band modulation spectrum factorization in robust speech recognition
作者 范顥騰蔡益彰洪志偉
在本篇論文中,我們使用了非負矩陣分解(nonnegative matrix factorization, NMF)技術來強化語音特徵調變頻譜、藉此提升自動語音辨識系統之雜訊強健性,其中,NMF法為語音之調變頻譜的強度求取一組基底向量,而我們藉由此組基底向量來擷取語音中重要的辨識成分,跟以往基於NMF之強健技術不同之處在於兩點:其一,我們利用了正交投影(orthogonal projection)的方式取代原先的迭代方式,使運算速度大幅增加。其二,我們採取分頻帶分解的方式取代原先全頻帶分解,藉此減少計算量。在Aurora-2之連續數字資料庫之辨識實驗顯示,上述的新方法相對於基礎實驗而言,能有效提升雜訊環境下語音辨識的精確度,可提供高達58%的相對錯誤改善率,而跟原NMF法相較,新方法運算複雜度明顯降低,而能維持原辨識精確度、部分甚至有提升的效果。
This paper proposes a novel scheme that enhance the modulation spectrum of speech features in noise speech recognition via non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). In the presented approach, we apply NMF to obtain a set of non-negative basis spectra vectors which derived from the clean speech to represent the important components for speech recognition. The difference compared to the conventional NMF-based scheme that leverages iterative search to update the full-band modulation spectra is two: first, we apply the orthogonal projection to update the low sub-band modulation spectra. Second, we process the low half-band of the modulation spectrum rather than the full-band. The presented new process improves the computation efficiency without the cost of degarded recognition performance. In the Aurora-2 database and task, the presented new NMF-based approach can achieve the average error reduction rate of over 58% relative to the baseline MFCC.
起訖頁 22-36
關鍵詞 非負矩陣分解法強健性調變頻譜語音辨識nonnegative matrix factorizationmodulation spectrumspeech recognitionnoise robustness
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2013 (2013期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 改良語句模型技術於節錄式語音摘要之研究
該期刊-下一篇 使用語音評分技術輔助台語語料的驗證




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