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Context-Aware In-Page Search
Context-Aware In-Page Search
作者 Yu-Hao Lin (Yu-Hao Lin)Yu-Lan Liu (Yu-Lan Liu)Tzu-Xi Yen (Tzu-Xi Yen)Jason S. Chang
In this paper we introduce a method for searching appropriate articles from knowledge bases (e.g. Wikipedia) for a given query and its context. In our approach, this problem is transformed into a multi-class classification of candidate articles. The method involves automatically augmenting smaller knowledge bases using larger ones and learning to choose adequate articles based on hyperlink similarity between article and context. At run-time, keyphrases in given context are extracted and the sense ambiguity of query term is resolved by computing similarity of keyphrases between context and candidate articles. Evaluation shows that the method significantly outperforms the strong baseline of assigning most frequent articles to the+U326query terms. Our method effectively determines adequate articles for given query-context pairs, suggesting the possibility of using our methods in context-aware search engines.
起訖頁 292-306
關鍵詞 entity linkingword sense disambiguationWikipediasupport vector machinesearch engine
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2012 (2012期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用關聯式規則解決台語文轉音糸統中一詞多音之歧異
該期刊-下一篇 Implementation of Malayalam Morphological Analyzer Based on Hybrid Approach




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