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Study on Keyword Spotting using Prosodic Attribute Detection for Conversational Speech
作者 黃昱睿鐘尹蔚葉瑞峰
It is one of most essential issues to extract the keywords from conversational speech for understanding the utterances from speakers. This thesis aims at keyword spotting from spontaneous speech for keyword detecting. We proposed prosodic features that are used for keyword detection. The prosody words are segmented from speaker's utterance according to the pre-training decision tree. The supported vector machine is further used as the classifier to judge the prosody word is keyword or not. The prosody word boundary segmentation algorithm based on decision tree is illustrated. Besides the data driven feature, the knowledge obtained from the corpus observation is integrated in the decision tree. Finally, the keyword in the focus part are extracted using prosody features by sported vector machine (SVM). According to the experimental results, we can find the proposed method outperform the phone verification approach especially in recall and accuracy. This shows the proposed approach is operative for keyword detecting.
起訖頁 231-245
關鍵詞 關鍵詞語音韻屬性韻律詞口述語言Keyword spottingprosodic featureprosody wordspoken language
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2012 (2012期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 台語朗讀資料庫之自動切音技術應用於音文同步有聲書之建立
該期刊-下一篇 Translating Collocation using Monolingual and Parallel Corpus




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