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Compositional Operations of Mandarin Chinese Verb“da3”: A Generative Lexicon Approach
Compositional Operations of Mandarin Chinese Verb“da3”: A Generative Lexicon Approach
作者 Li-Chuan Ku (Li-Chuan Ku)
The compositional operations of Mandarin Chinese predicates are very complex. In a highly analytic language such as Mandarin Chinese, a verb can often choose from a wide range of nouns/nominal compounds as its arguments. This paper hopes to capture a different picture of such an operation through investigating authentic corpus data of Chinese verb“打”(da3, to hit). In this study, we'd like to show that the qualia structure and type system proposed by Pustejovsky's (1995) the Generative Lexicon can affect the interpretation of verb-argument composition of“da3”, and to examine whether the compositional operations of“da3”varies under different senses with its own type selection preference. Our results show that, given that Wang and Huang (2010)'s similar investigation on the perceptual verb“kàn”(look at) indicates diverse mechanisms, the compositional operation patterns of“da3”are much like those proposed by Pustejovsky's (2008). In view of this, we also provide some limitation and future direction of this study in the last section.
起訖頁 323-332
關鍵詞 verb-argument compositionaccommodationintroductionselection
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2011 (2011期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 診斷學習者英語寫作篇章結構:以篇章連接副詞為例
該期刊-下一篇 Typological Universals and Intrinsic Universals on the L2 Acquisition1 of Consonant Clusters




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