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Frequency, Collocation, and Statistical Modeling of Lexical Items: A Case Study of Temporal Expressions in an Elderly Speaker Corpus
Frequency, Collocation, and Statistical Modeling of Lexical Items: A Case Study of Temporal Expressions in an Elderly Speaker Corpus
作者 Sheng-Fu WangJing-Chen YangYu-Yun ChangYu-Wen LiuShu-Kai Hsieh
This study examines how different dimensions of corpus frequency data may affect the outcome of statistical modeling of lexical items. The corpus used in our analysis is an elderly speaker corpus in its early development, and the target words are temporal expressions, which might reveal how the speech produced by the elderly is organized. We conduct divisive hierarchical clustering based on two different dimensions of corpus data, namely raw frequency distribution and collocation-based vectors. Results show when different dimensions of data were used as the input, the target terms were indeed clustered in different ways. Analyses based on frequency distributions and collocational patterns are distinct from each other. Specifically, statistically-based collocational analysis produces more distinct clustering results that differentiate temporal terms more delicately than do the ones based on raw frequency.
起訖頁 179-193
關鍵詞 clusteringcollocationcorpus linguisticstemporal expressiongerontology
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2011 (2011期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 聲符部件排序與形聲字發音規則探勘
該期刊-下一篇 機率式調變頻譜分解於強健性語音辨識




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