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Collocation Features of Independent Claim in U.S. Patent Documents: Information Retrieval from LexisNexis
作者 林信宏謝菁玉
The present study examines English patent documents extracted from LexisNexis. We compiled a reference corpus of independent claim texts and lay the focus specifically on their collocation features. The findings suggest the functional development of independent claim involves verb-noun collocation and semantic prosody. Verb-noun collocations happen to function as semantic trigger affected by semantic prosody. In particular, clausal nominalization is observed in that of verbal clauses. Based on discourse thematic referentiality, independent claim entails how clausal-specific units constructed the patent setting. The result is significant because discourse thematic referentiality which addresses how lexical units build up modern patent language providing empirical evidence for the overall characterization of independent claim. Besides, rhetorical structure and lexical meaning of independent claim can be derived from components of clausal types as they occur collocationally, referentially and dependently. Mutual information is attainable with the help of selectional collocation features that specific clausal types represented in natural language processing of modern patent language. It is suggested that the development of independent claim as a primer for Patent English.
起訖頁 296-310
關鍵詞 intellectual property rightspatentcorpuscollocationfunctional grammar
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2010 (2010期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 結合HMM頻譜模型與ANN韻律模型之國語語音合成系統
該期刊-下一篇 Dual-ALU Processor for Speech Signal Processing




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