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Consolidation of Robust Speaker and Speech Recognition for Intelligent Doorway Application
Consolidation of Robust Speaker and Speech Recognition for Intelligent Doorway Application
作者 Ta-Wen Kuan (Ta-Wen Kuan)Jhing-Fa Wang (Jhing-Fa Wang)Po-Yi Shih (Po-Yi Shih)Ta-Wei Sun (Ta-Wei Sun)Miao-Hai Chen (Miao-Hai Chen)
In this paper, integration of speaker identification and speech recognition for intelligent doorway application has been proposed. Two target speakers will be identified through an one-word speech utterance. Moreover, this utterance will be recognized to be a pre-defined speech command. The speaker identification in the proposed framework is based on support vector machine (SVM). The“one-versus-one”approach is applied in this paper to classify test point input utterance according to the number of votes. As for the speech recognition, we use confusion matrix to develop an efficient phonetic set for a command-based multi-lingual system, the confusion matrix calculates acoustic similarities between every two phonemes. The proposed framework has been realized in the intelligent doorway application and will be applied to many other daily life computer speech applications.
起訖頁 373-384
關鍵詞 SVMconfusion matrixHTKspeaker identificationspeech recognition
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2009 (2009期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 中文混淆字集應用於別字偵錯模板自動產生
該期刊-下一篇 Voice Activity Detection Using Spectral Entropy in Bark-Scale Wavelet Domain




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