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Improving Translation Fluency with Search-Based Decoding and a Monolingual Statistical Machine Translation Model for Automatic Post-Editing
Improving Translation Fluency with Search-Based Decoding and a Monolingual Statistical Machine Translation Model for Automatic Post-Editing
作者 Jing-Shin ChangSheng-Sian Lin (Sheng-Sian Lin)
The BLEU scores and translation fluency for the current state-of-the-art SMT systems based on IBM models are still too low for publication purposes. The major issue is that stochastically generated sentences hypotheses, produced through a stack decoding process, may not strictly follow the natural target language grammar, since the decoding process is directed by a highly simplified translation model and n-gram language model, and a large number of noisy phrase pairs may introduce significant search errors. This paper proposes a statistical post-editing (SPE) model, based on a special monolingual SMT paradigm, to“translate”disfluent sentences into fluent sentences. However, instead of conducting a stack decoding process, the sentence hypotheses are searched from fluent target sentences in a large target language corpus or on the Web to ensure fluency. Phrase-based local editing, if necessary, is then applied to correct weakest phrase alignments between the disfluent and searched hypotheses using fluent target language phrases; such phrases are segmented from a large target language corpus with a global optimization criterion to maximize the likelihood of the training sentences, instead of using noisy phrases combined from bilingually wordaligned pairs. With such search-based decoding, the absolute BLEU scores are much higher than automatic post editing systems that conduct a classical SMT decoding process. We are also able to fully correct a significant number of disfluent sentences into completely fluent versions. The BLEU scores are significantly improved. The evaluation shows that on average 46% of translation errors can be fully recovered, and the BLEU score can be improved by about 26%.
起訖頁 195-207
關鍵詞 Translation FluencyFluency-Based DecodingSearch-Based DecodingStatistical Machine TranslationAutomatic Post-Editing
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2009 (2009期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 主題語言模型於大詞彙連續語音辨識之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Minimally Supervised Question Classification and Answering based on WordNet and Wikipedia




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