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Latent Prosody Model-Assisted Mandarin Accent Identification
Latent Prosody Model-Assisted Mandarin Accent Identification
作者 Yuan-Fu Liao (Yuan-Fu Liao)Shuan-Chen Yeh (Shuan-Chen Yeh)Ming-Feng Tsai (Ming-Feng Tsai)Wei-Hsiung Ting (Wei-Hsiung Ting)Sen-Chia Chang (Sen-Chia Chang)
A two-stage latent prosody model-language model (LPM-LM)-based approach is proposed to identify two Mandarin accent types spoken by native speakers in Mainland China and Taiwan. The frontend LPM tokenizes and jointly models the affections of speaker, tone and prosody state of an utterance. The backend LM takes the decoded prosody state sequences and builds n-grams to model the prosodic differences of the two accent types. Experimental results on a mixed TRSC and MAT database showed that fusion of the proposed LPM-LM with a SDC/GMM+PPR-LM+UPR-LM baseline system could further reduced the average accent identification error rate from 20.7% to 16.2%. Therefore, the proposed LPM-LM method is a promising approach.
起訖頁 125-135
關鍵詞 Accent recognitionlatent prosody modelMandarinTaiwan
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2009 (2009期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 聲調對嗓音起始時間的影響:以國語和客語為研究對象
該期刊-下一篇 高解析度之國語類音素單元端點自動標示




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