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Wavelet Energy-Based Support Vector Machine for Noisy Word Boundary Detection With Speech Recognition Application
Wavelet Energy-Based Support Vector Machine for Noisy Word Boundary Detection With Speech Recognition Application
作者 Chia-Feng Juang (Chia-Feng Juang)Chun-Nan Cheng (Chun-Nan Cheng)Chiu-Chuan Tu (Chiu-Chuan Tu)
Word boundary detection in variable noise-level environments by support vector machine (SVM) using Low-band Wavelet Energy (LWE) and Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR) features is proposed in this paper. The Wavelet Energy is derived based on Wavelet transformation; it can reduce the affection of noise in a speech signal. With the inclusion of ZCR, we can robustly and effectively detect word boundary from noise with only two features. For detector design, a Gaussian-kernel SVM is used. The proposed detection method is applied to detection word boundaries for an isolated word recognition system in variable noisy environments. Experiments with different types of noises and various signal-to-noise ratios are performed. The results show that using the LWE and ZCR parameters-based SVM, good performance is achieved. Comparison with another robust detection method has also verified the performance of the proposed method.
起訖頁 21-29
關鍵詞 Speech detectionword boundary detectionsupport vector machinewavelet transformnoisy speech recognition
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2009 (2009期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 相似度比率式鑑別分析應用於大詞彙連續語音辨識
該期刊-下一篇 Noise-Robust Speech Features Based on Cepstral Time Coefficients




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