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Robust Features for Effective Speech and Music Discrimination
Robust Features for Effective Speech and Music Discrimination
作者 Zhong-hua Fu (Zhong-hua Fu)Jhing-Fa Wang (Jhing-Fa Wang)
Speech and music discrimination is one of the most important issues for multimedia information retrieval and efficient coding. While many features have been proposed, seldom of which show robustness under noisy condition, especially in telecommunication applications. In this paper two novel features based on real cepstrum are presented to represent essential differences between music and speech: Average Pitch Density (APD), Relative Tonal Power Density (RTPD). Separate histograms are used to prove the robustness of the novel features. Results of discrimination experiments show that these features are more robust than the commonly used features. The evaluation database consists of a reference collection and a set of telephone speech and music recorded in real world.
起訖頁 1-7
關鍵詞 Speech/Music DiscriminationMultimedia Information RetrievalReal Cepstrum
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2008 (2008期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 強健性語音辨識中能量相關特徵之改良式正規化技術的研究
該期刊-下一篇 Robust Voice Activity Detection Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform




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