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Translation Divergence Analysis and Processing for Mandarin-English Parallel Text Exploitation
Translation Divergence Analysis and Processing for Mandarin-English Parallel Text Exploitation
作者 Shun-Chieh Lin (Shun-Chieh Lin)Jia-Ching Wang (Jia-Ching Wang)Jhing-Fa Wang (Jhing-Fa Wang)
Previous work shows that the process of parallel text exploitation to extract transfer mappings between language pairs raises the capability of language translation. However, while this process can be fully automated, one thorny problem called“divergence”causes indisposed mapping extraction. Therefore, this paper discuss the issues of parallel text exploitation, in general, with special emphasis on divergence analysis and processing. In the experiments on a Mandarin-English travel conversation corpus of 11,885 sentence pairs, the perplexity with the alignments in IBM translation model is reduced averagely from 13.65 to 5.18 by sieving out inappropriate sentences from the collected corpus.
起訖頁 1-9
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2005 (2005期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Improving Translation of Unknown Proper Names Using a Hybrid Web-based Translation Extraction Method




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