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A Noise Estimator with Rapid Adaptation in Variable-Level Noisy Environments
A Noise Estimator with Rapid Adaptation in Variable-Level Noisy Environments
作者 Bing-Fei Wu (Bing-Fei Wu)Kun-Ching Wang (Kun-Ching Wang)Lung-Yi Kuo (Lung-Yi Kuo)
In this paper, a noise estimator with rapid adaptation in a variable-level noisy environment is presented. To make noise estimation adapt quickly to highly non-stationary noise environments, a robust voice activity detector (VAD) is utilized in this paper and it depends on the variation of the spectral energy not on the amount of that. The noise power spectrum in subbands are estimated by averaging past spectral power values using a time and frequency dependent smoothing parameter, which is chosen as a sigmoid function changing with speech-present probability in subbands. The speech-present probability is determined by computing the ratio of the noisy speech power spectrum to its local minimum. Noise measurement, speech enhancement, spectral analysis, signal process.
起訖頁 1-6
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2004 (2004期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 非監督式學習於中文電視新聞自動轉寫之初步應用
該期刊-下一篇 A Three-Phase System for Chinese Named Entity Recognition




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