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An Image Capturing Array Device and Inspection System for CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells
作者 陳志文 (Zhi-Wen Chen)陳銘福林儀豪
Photovoltaic conversion effi ciency and manufacturing cost are the two most crucial factors for solar cells. Because CIGS thin fi lm has excellent properties such as material saving, fl exibility, wide absorption spectrum range and photovoltaic conversion effi ciency of 18% or more, it is suitable as an absorber layer of solar cells. There are three scribing procedures during the production processes of CIGS thin-fi lm solar cells, including laser and mechanical scribing which might cause line width and spacing variations, broken and twisted lines as well as insuffi cient line depth. However, the traditional offl ine sampling inspection cannot meet the demands for the mass production of solar cells. Therefore, an online image capturing array device and inspection system (an AOI system) has been proposed and developed for the production line of CIGS thin-fi lm solar cells. The AOI system, which equips four sets of image capturing modules and an equal number of high-brightness linear light sources, has performed fast digital scanning and image processing of large-scale solar panels (1200 mm x 600 mm). The inspection duration of one single solar panel must be within 60 seconds, which meets the requirement. The robustness, as well as the accuracy of the AOI system, has also been verifi ed by the practical production lines.
起訖頁 86-97
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201909 (220期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 精準雷射蟲害控制




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