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The Realization of EU Normative Power and Chinese Relational Power in Central and Eastern European Countries
作者 蘇卓馨
自2013年習近平主席做出「一帶一路」的政策宣示,中國正式將歐亞地區納入絲綢之路經濟帶的戰略範圍。中國西北與歐亞地區接壤,在安全與經濟議題上有諸多合作空間。另一方面,歐盟自1990年代蘇聯解體後不斷東擴,2002年明確揭示其「規範性強權」的國際角色後,即試圖藉由入盟審查程序或合作夥伴關係在歐亞地區推動帶有歐盟價值的規範性議程。兩大強權於是在21世紀初在這個自上個世紀以來即被國際關係學者認為是地緣政治上的心臟地帶──歐亞地區(Eurasia)──交會。初期雙方互動熱絡良好,不管是建立各式戰略夥伴關係、經貿高層對話等機制,或是歐盟會員國積極加入支持亞投行的設立並在其中擔任要職,雙邊皆展現高度的合作意願。然而自2018年初,此合作氣氛逐漸變調。2018年2月德國外交部長公開批評中國「一帶一路」政策背後隱含與歐盟價值相違背的政治藍圖,在2018年5月歐洲議會也完成擴大歐盟審核外國投資案權力的草案,以防中資持續併購歐陸敏感產業與基礎設施。同時,以美國與歐盟為首的西方學界亦興起對中國及俄國「銳實力」的批判。從中國國際關係理論的角度觀之,「一帶一路」為關係性權力(relational power)的實踐,與西方國際關係的二元對立觀點有本質上的差異。無論如何,歐盟試圖形塑的規範性權力與中國正欲推展的關係性權力在歐亞地區確實出現衝撞。本文將分成三大部分,首先第一部分將論述規範性權力與關係性權力的理論背景以及區域整合計畫的實現。第二部分則將以中東歐國家做為案例分析檢視歐盟與中國在不同的權力途徑下如何推動區域整合計畫。最後本文將為這兩大強權在中東歐國家的權力角力成果進行一個初步的分析。
Since the policy announcement of the “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)” by President Xi Jinping in 2013, China has officially encompassed the Eurasian region into its strategic roadmap within the Silk Road Economic Belt. At the same time, the European Union (EU) has continued its eastward expansion, which it has undertaken since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. Since the clear revelation of its international role as a “normative power” in 2002, the EU has instilled its normative agenda into its accession procedure and partnership programs with third parties. Thus, these two great powers are projected to confront each other in the Eurasian region during the second decade of the twenty-first century. In the beginning, the interaction between these two sides was amicable, with the formation of strategic partnerships and bilateral channels for dialogue between high-level officials. However, since 2018, this climate of cooperation has turned ambiguous. In February 2018, the German Foreign Minister publicly criticized the BRI for the political blueprint that is implied behind the policy, which contradicts European values. In May 2018, the European Parliament also backed plans to more closely scrutinize foreign direct investment in order to protect strategic sectors and infrastructure from Chinese acquisition. A certain discord between EU normative power and Chinese relational power can be observed in the Eurasian region. This article is divided into three parts: the first part delineates the theoretical backgrounds of normative power and relational power with the realization of the two regional integration projects. The second part takes the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) as case-studies in order to perceive how the EU and China respectively drive its regional integration projects via different approaches to power. Lastly, the article makes an early assessment of the two great power's competition in CEEC.
起訖頁 69-103
關鍵詞 規範性權力關係性權力一帶一路中東歐Normative PowerRelational PowerBelt and Road InitiativeCentral and Eastern European Countries
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201909 (81期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 武裝部隊的忠誠與團結對內戰發生之影響
該期刊-下一篇 公益資本主義應用於偏鄉振興政策的侷限性:日本瀨戶內海群島個案分析




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