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作者 許育光 (Yu-Kuang Hsu)刑志彬 (Chih-Pin Hsing)
Elementary schools and junior high schools have employed professional guidance staff for more than 20 years. Psychologists were first invited to help school guidance programs in 1997, and the government established Student Counseling Centers and hired school psychologists to work in the system in 2014. After the Student Guidance Law passed, standards and rules for the selection of school psychologists and social workers on campus were also set. More recently, the policy requires that full-time school counselors are hired. These three different professions form a collaborative team on campuses. While the policy has transformed and enhanced school guidance work, there remain four important issues facing school psychologists, which are: professional training (Education), abilities assessment (Examination), practice works (Application), and on-the-job professional development (Sustainability). This article discusses both the present experience of school psychologists and the ideal experience of school psychologists with three different aims. First, we aim to describe the professional difficulties and practice essentials that school psychologists who work in elementary and junior high schools face. We review the situation in Taiwan and compare it to western perspectives of school psychologists' professional development. Then, we evaluate the current challenges. Second, we present an analysis of "the curriculum of a school psychologist training program" which examines the training process and explores the framework and elements of school psychologists' development. We subsequently compare this analysis (including both counseling and clinical psychology programs) with the ten domains of school psychologist training courses recommended by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). The results indicate that the ratio of "Interventions & Mental Health Services to Develop Social & Life Skills" was highest at 54.70%, followed by the "Interventions & Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills" (13.45%), and "Research & Program Evaluation" (13.89%). The ratios of the remaining seven components were all less than 5%, with "Consultation & Collaboration" (0.22%) and "Diversity in Development & Learning" (0.11%) closest to zero. Furthermore, we compared the ratio of the ten domains in counseling and clinical psychology training programs. Within counseling psychology training programs, the number of domains "Family-School Collaboration Services" and "School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning" were obviously higher than they were in clinical psychology programs. Within clinical psychology training programs, the number of domains "Interventions and Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills" and "Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability" were obviously higher than the number of domains in counseling psychology programs. Furthermore, there were a lack of courses about "Diversity in Development and Learning" offered in clinical psychology programs. Third, the article titled "Vision of Training and Professional Development" constructs and reflects on some possible identities and positions for a school psychologist in Taiwan through a systematic review. Vision of training and professional development integrates the four important issues in the training process (education, examination, application, and sustainability), the reality of school psychologist development limitations in Taiwan, and the international literature and policies. This article further discusses and provides suggestions for addressing issues related to school psychologists, which includes the training process, resource sharing, policy restructuring, and future research.
起訖頁 35-64
關鍵詞 專業輔導人員學校心理師學校諮商諮商心理師臨床心理師Clinical psychologistcounseling psychologistprofessionals on guidance workschool counselingschool psychologist
刊名 當代教育研究  
期數 201909 (27:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心
該期刊-上一篇 美國學生學習歷程縱貫性大數據系統P-20W的啟示與借鏡
該期刊-下一篇 外部社會資本能否為高等教育機構帶來正向的績效?以內部社會資本與機構寬裕資源為中介變數




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