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The Role of Self-Regulated Learning for Talent Development
作者 王雅奇
The International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence(IRATDE)於2019年在臺灣舉辦,會中邀請德國University of Regensburg教授Heidrun Stoeger,Stoeger教授的研究興趣包括:教學、資優教育、性別研究與評量。Stoeger教授長期投入自我調節學習的系列研究,包含自我調節學習的策略。本次會議中,她將介紹自我調節學習的內涵、資優學生在主動學習過程中自我調節學習策略、自我調節對資優生才能發展的重要性以及自我調節培訓方案的實施方式。本文以Stoeger教授演講內容為架構,描述Stoeger教授進行資優學生自我調節系列研究結果,並輔以資優學生自我調節相關文獻,透過演講內容與研究結果的整理,進一步提出資優教育中的應用方式,並激勵現場教師指導自我調節策略以支持資優學生的才能發展。
The 2018 IRATDE(The International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence) was hosted in 2019. In light of gifted students` talent development, the association invited Heidrun Stoeger from University of Regensburg(Germany). Prof. Stoeger`s research interests includes teaching and learning, gifted education, gender research and evaluation. Prof. Stoeger devoted in series of self-regulated learning research projects, including learning strategies. Given the increasing importance of fostering self-regulated learning in education, she described self-regulated learning strategies, significance for gifted students and shared her research findings of training effects On the basis of Prof. Stoeger`s speech structure, this article provides details of self-regulated learning studies conducted by Prof. Stoeger and her colleagues. For supplementary information, related empirical studies have been presented to support self-regulated learning and to inspire teachers or instructors take self-regulated learning as a strategy to support learners` talent development.
起訖頁 65-80
關鍵詞 自我調節策略才能發展資優Gifted StudentsSelf-Regulated Learning (SRL)Talent Development
刊名 資優教育論壇  
期數 201910 (17:2期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 系列性充實方案的長期成效




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