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Can accelerometer determine the exercise intensity in basketball drills?
作者 蔡琪揚 (Chi-Yang Tsai)李逸驊相子元 (Tzyy-Yuan Shiang)
Introduction: With rapid advances in technology, the improvements have been made to make wearable device a lightweight and prompt tool for elite athletes and general population in the market; in particular, accelerometer has been practical among these wearable devices. Recently, several previous studies proven that by the increase of exercise intensity in different intensive exercise level, the rate of oxygen uptake, heart rate, and accelerometer would be increased accordingly, which determined that these three statistics could be used in exercise volume estimates. This study tested for the relationship between acceleration and heart rate, using smart wristband and Polar heart rate monitor to collect accelerometer signals from limbs and heart rate signals with three different basketball movement intensities, to determine acceleration data from which limbs is closer to exercise volume. Methods: Before the participants performed three basketball movement tests of “Dribbling Moves”, “Passing on the Move”, “Vertical Jump”, (each test for 3 min), we placed the smart wristband at multiple positions of participants' body and to evaluate their heart rate and performance. The training load was calculated using Banister's Training Impulse (TRIMP). The acceleration data were collected through ten strongest peaks every minute of resultant acceleration. Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the data. Results: Acceleration data from dominant hand, non-dominant hand, and trunk were in line with heart rate, it revealed that acceleration can distinguish exercise intensity. Furthermore, dominant hand acceleration was positively correlated with heart rate. Conclusion: Acceleration data are suitable for basketball movement monitoring, especially when it's applied in recognizing exercise intensity along with heart rate. Moreover, the acceleration data collected from dominate hand is highly related to heart rate. Thus, the data collected from smart wristband at dominate hand may be closer to real exercise intensity.
起訖頁 319-328
關鍵詞 加速度穿戴裝置心率運動量accelerationwearable devicesheart rateexercise volume
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201909 (52:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 不同急性運動類型對BDNF及干擾控制之影響
該期刊-下一篇 六週過肩投擲練習對國小六年級學童投擲動作表現的影響




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