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Nursing Experience of Caring a Terminal Lung Cancer Patient with Bone Metastases
作者 劉淑萍陳秀玲 (Shiu-Ling Chen)
This article described the nursing experience of caring a terminal lung cancer patient with bone metastases. The patient's condition exacerbated with illness and faced with problems of physical discomfort and grief. The period of nursing care was from December 12 to December 22, 2016. Comprehensive biopsychosocial and spiritual information were collected through direct patient care, interview, and family interaction, and observation. Health problems included ineffective breathing pattern, chronic pain, and anticipatory grief. Nursing interventions included providing the patient with active caring and accompany to establish reliable nurse-patient relationship, instructing abdominal and purselip breathing, applying the pain visual analog scale to assess pain level, encouraging the patient to express pain feeling, providing individualized nursing interventions such as aroma massage and music for distracting attention and pain, interviewing the patient and family members to speak out the real feeling about facing the impending death, guiding family members to talk about their appreciation to the patient and preparation for death. This paper suggests that the nursing staff participate in grief counseling related courses and conduct early grief assessment and counseling to enhance the quality of care on terminallyilled patients and their family members.
起訖頁 252-262
關鍵詞 肺癌末期慢性疼痛預期性哀傷terminal lung cancerchronic painanticipatory grief
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201906 (30:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 照顧一位乳腺炎雙胞胎產婦成功哺餵母乳之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 運用Watson理論及跨團隊模式照護一位思覺失調症合併十二指腸癌末期之病人




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