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A Study on the Determinants of the CSR Implementation Performance of Taiwan's Listed Companies-- The Perspectives of Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital
作者 侍台誠蔡麗雯相惠萍
Due to the recent rampant food safety and environmental pollution incidents, the corporate social responsibility-related issues have gained more and more concerns worldwide. Corporations are expected not only to make profits but also to assume social responsibilities to stakeholders in order to contribute to economic prosperity, public interests as well as environmental sustainability. This paper aims to explore the determinants of the CSR implementation performance from the perspectives of corporate governance and intellectual capital. The empirical results show that the CSR implementation performance is significantly in positive association with board size, independent directors' seats ratio, managers' shares holdings and information transparency, but weakly associated with innovation capital and process capital, which comprise parts of intellectual capital. The authors hope the conclusions contribute to providing insights for the regulatory authority's policy making and filling the gaps between exploring the drivers and consequences of CSR activities.
起訖頁 119-166
關鍵詞 企業社會責任公司治理智慧資本Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceIntellectual Capital
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 201911 (9:1期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-上一篇 會計師產業專精與審計報告時間落差:中國證據




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