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The Judgement of Investigation Agents' Leaking Secrets Except Defense: Analysis on the Investigation Secrecy Laws and Practices of the ROC and the USA Federal Legal System
作者 蘇佩鈺
近年來偵查機關屢屢面對違反偵查不公開原則及洩漏偵查秘密的質疑,偵查資訊何者可公開或揭露,何者屬於偵查秘密事項不得公開或揭露?在刑事訴訟法第245條第1項及偵查不公開作業辦法規範下,是否偵查人員違反上開規定,即落入刑法第132條罪責範疇?此一議題對於偵查人員具有高度重要性。惟此種偵查不公開界限及與新聞自由間之矛盾關係,他國必然也會遇到此項爭議。本文乃嘗試自美國聯邦制度切入,介紹該國聯邦體系偵查不公開相關法規、法院見解及違反規定之法律效果,並評析該國偵查秘密之界限。嗣說明我國洩密罪保護法益,評析我國偵查不公開法規,並與美國法制作一比較分析。最後評釋我國相關實務案例,探究何種情形可能構成偵查人員洩漏國防以外秘密罪責,俾供作我國偵查實務作為暨相關法制修正之參考。 In the latest years, the investigation institute has faced the doubts against the Principle of the Secrecy of Investigation and leaking secrets, e.g. which investigation information may be made public or disclosed, and which item belongs to investigation secrecy. According to Paragraph 1 of Article 245 of the Criminal Procedural Law, the Regulation of Investigation Secrecy is significant for investigation agents because they will be punished by Article 132 of the Criminal Law if the investigation agents violate the regulation above. It goes without saying that this issue addresses not only the peril of investigation secrecy of investigation agents but also the problem of civil, criminal, or administrative responsibility. What's more, the Principle of Investigation Secrecy, e.g. Article 2 of the Regulation of Investigation Secrecy regulates 'Presumption of Innocence' itself in order to protect the rights of fair trial and reputation, privacy and security of defendants and other stakeholders, as well as secret investigations of investigation institutes, which highlights multiple purposes of seeking truth, social justice and fairness. It is thus a tough issue for keeping balance of various benefits under the so-called investigation secrecy. Furthermore, other countries definitely have encountered this controversy of the Investigation Secrecy and the Freedom of Press. To sum up, this research, namely 'the judgement of investigation agents' leaking secrets except defense: an analysis on the investigation secrecy laws and practices of the R.O.C. and the USA federal legal system, focuses on the in-depth discussion of protection of leaking secrets of the R.O.C. through comparison law of the USA federal system. For instance, the relevant regulations of investigation secrecy, court decision, judicial effect of the violation, and the limits of the USA investigation secrecy. At last, this study supplies explanatory analysis on the penalty of leaking secrets of investigation agents amongst the R.O.C. practices so as to be referred to the R.O.C. investigation authority for its regulatory amendment.
起訖頁 543-598
關鍵詞 秘密偵查秘密偵查不公開原則公開或揭露洩漏國防以外秘密罪SecretInvestigation SecrecyThe Principle of the Secrecy of InvestigationMake Public or DiscloseLeaking Secrets except Defense
刊名 國立臺灣大學法學論叢  
期數 201906 (48:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 美國生前信託之啟示:以信託與監護之關係為焦點
該期刊-下一篇 保險法告知義務之法律實證研究:以歸責要件與消費者保護為中心




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