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作者 張炳煌 (Ping-Huang Chang)
研究目的:本研究旨在探討德國二軌並立學校制度之發展,並評析改革方案之實施與影響。二軌並立學制係將文理中學以外的學校類型加以整合,形成文理中學與新的整合型學校類型並立的學校制度,近年來德國越來越多邦採用該模式改革學制,並已改變德國傳統學校制度的風貌,值得加以探究。本研究之目的為︰(1)瞭解德國學校制度由多軌分立朝向二軌並立的發展脈絡;(2)以Hamburg和Berlin為對象,探討邦層級學校制度變革的推動歷程與政策內涵;(3)評析德國二軌並立學制變革的政策目標與實施成效,及其對臺灣中等教育發展的啟示。研究設計/方法/取徑:本研究採用文件分析,主要資料來源為官方文件、議案關係文書以及相關研究文獻。此外學校制度係屬各邦權力,故本研究再以Berlin與Hamburg為對象,進行個案研究之分析。研究發現或結論:1.二軌並立學制變革係為改進多軌分立學制的缺失。2.二軌並立學制是妥協的方案,是略過文理中學的局部改革。3.二軌並立學制重視學生的異質性,以期提升學生的學習成效。4.二軌並立學制仍是分流學制,仍難克服傳統學制階層化的問題。研究原創性/價值:1.本研究重視政策發展脈絡,系統性呈現德國學制的新近發展,並且由教育選擇的觀點探討分流學制的設計,豐富學制研究的內涵。2.系統性回顧相關研究成果,重視實徵性研究結果,並據以評析二軌並立學制改革的實施與影響。3.探討邦層級的學制變革,超過傳統以國家為分析單位的研究取向,深化比較教育研究。 Purpose: This study aimed to explore the development of the two-tiered school system in Germany, and to analyze its implementation and impact. The two-tiered school system was established by building up integrated secondary schools in addition to the Gymnasium (academic high schools). This approach is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, as many Länder (states) have adopted such model. In the field of comparative education, Germany is considered the prototype of a stratified school system. Moreover, its differentiated features and early selection have been retained for decades despite various reforms. The introduction of the two-tiered school system underlines the significant change in the German school system and it is of interest to examine its development. Therefore, this study examined (1) the context of structural reform of the school system in Germany, (2) policy formulation and the components of school system reform at the state level taking Hamburg and Berlin as examples, and (3) the policy goals and implement impact of the two-tiered school system in Germany and its implication for Taiwanese secondary school system, systematically. Design/methodology/approach: This study analyzed various documents, including official records, statutes and relevant studies. In accordance with the Germany's federal structure, the key level of action was the Länder. Thus, this study further examined the prominence of Land-level action on the school system. Findings: The two-tiered school system (1) aimed to tackle the deficiencies of the multi-track school system, (2) was the result of compromise, as the distinct position of the Gymnasium was never endangered, (3) embraced the heterogeneity of learning groups, with the aim of increasing overall performance, and (4) is still a tracking system, making it difficult to overcome its stratified nature. Originality/value: 1. This study presented a systematic overview of the structural reform of the German school system, highlighting the transformation from multi-tiered to two-tiered model. Furthermore, this study scrutinized the tracking mechanism in terms of educational choice, going beyond a descriptive approach to the study of education systems. 2. A substantial part of this study was a review of recent German scholarship on structural reform of the school system. Since few such studies have been conducted in Taiwan, this work provides a foundation for researchers to develop further lines of inquiry. 3. According to the Germany's federal structure, responsibility for the school system is incumbent upon individual Land (state). Taking Hamburg and Berlin as examples, this study demonstrated the prominence of Land-level action on the school system. While the study of education systems has conventionally used countries as the principal unit of analysis, this study has explored sub-national systems.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 德國學校制度中等教育比較教育教育分流German school systemsecondary educationcomparative educationeducational tracking
刊名 當代教育研究  
期數 201803 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心
該期刊-上一篇 論十二年國教課綱審議程序的正當行政程序要求
該期刊-下一篇 論十二年國教課綱審議程序的正當行政程序要求




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