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On the Preservation of Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of “Landscape"
作者 夏錦 (Jin Xia)邱上嘉 (Shang-Chia Chiou)
In recent years, the United Nations endeavored to promote heritage preservation and mode of thinking based on landscape, which made cultural preservation more comprehensive and deeper. More attention had been paid to the development of humans, land, and environment. The preservation of cultural heritage contained more philosophical significance. First, this study analyzed the relationship between landscape and subjects including aesthetics, geography, ecology, and anthropology and summarized the development of the concept of landscape. Second, it studied the evolution and connotation of 'landscape' from its origin and etymology. Landscape can be translated into '景觀'(jing guan) in Chinese. '景' refers to scenery(景物), while '觀' refers to the observation of humans. Hence, '景觀' implies the meaningful interaction between humans and environment rather than merely scenery or space. Through the observation of scenery, people have their psychological and spiritual needs satisfied by means of perception received of from physical sense. Through the study of phenomenology, the interactive experience of humans in scenery determined the characteristics of environment and reflected the nature of a place. From this perspective, we can understand the preservation of cultural heritage based on 'landscape' in this way: (1) Landscape as external material basis. (2) Landscape as internal physical sense. (3) Landscape as the core of culture. (4) Land as the spirit of a place. The four viewpoints influence each other. The study of cultural preservation based on 'landscape' is a 'integrated' viewpoint on the growing and ever-changing cultural preservation and reflects the authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage preservation. 近年來,聯合國極力推動以景觀為主的遺產保存與思考模式,在景觀概念的引導下,也充分體現出文化的保存朝向更全面、更深層、更多地關注人與土地及環境的面向發展,文化遺產的保存也面臨更為哲學的思考。本研究首先從美學、地理學、生態學、人類學等學科與景觀的關係加以分析,並梳理出景觀概念的發展過程。其次,從「景觀」字源與詞源的本質出發,討論其演變的過程中所蘊藏之意涵,發現「景」、「觀」二字中有現實存在之景「物」,也包含人在景中「觀」的體驗過程,這其實是一種人與環境有意義的互動過程,而不是單純的指風景、或區域空間;人在「景」中「觀」的過程中通過自身生理多感官之認知,從而滿足心理與精神之需求。通過對現象學的考究,人在景「物」中觀的互動體驗而決定了環境之特質,也反映出場所之本質。以此種觀點來看,文化遺產的保存以「景觀」為主的保存思維模式,是(1)、景觀作為外在的物質基礎;(2)、景觀作為內在的生理感官;(3)、景觀作為核心的文化;以及(4)、景觀作為場所精神;這四者之間是從外到內,從內到外互相影響與互相聯繫的,以「景觀」概念探討保存是對不斷增長和變化的文化遺產的「整體式」保存觀念,也更能反映出文化遺產保存的真實性與完整性。
起訖頁 29-53
關鍵詞 景觀文化遺產保存場所PlaceLandscapeCultural heritagePreservation
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201612 (14期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 鋼構建築物貨車停車空間火災模擬初探




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