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On Spatial-temporal Ontology Projection for Constructing Topology Logical Framework
作者 許擇瑋 (T. W. Hsu)邱上嘉 (Shang-Chia Chiou)李知炫
Spatial-temporal ontology is the collection of all facts within a specified field. Using a single individual in three-dimensional space as an example, the data that can prove the existence of the individual is its attribute data collection and the data located by the Cartesian Coordinate System. If the dimensions of the individual were expanded to four-dimensional space, the data that can prove the existence of the individual would be all the information recorded in three-dimensional space in a consecutive time. Spatial-temporal ontology of four-dimensional space includes the combination of an object’s attributes, relations, and the change of information. Humans can only see a single projection of spatial-temporal ontology at a single time. This projection is two-dimensional information. The two-dimensional information is then transformed by optical parallax and the assistance of cognitive abilities into information that is nearly three-dimensional. The same principle applies to moving objects. A moving object will form a series of overlapping projections in human brain like continuous pictures, and through cognition the differences of information between two points of time can be discerned. This research focuses on Alishan Forest Railway to engage in the study of spatial-temporal ontology and to provide evidence for the study. Alishan Forest Railway is a century-old railway full of history and cultural value. The research is conducted for the purpose of studying topology logical architecture constructed by spatial-temporal ontology. This study will also help to record information of railway facilities for conservation. The study can also be used as a source for understanding and reviewing contemporary history. 時空本體(ontology)指的是特定領域下所有事實的集合,以3維空間下一單一個體來說,能證明該個體存有的數據即笛卡爾三軸座標系統的定位資料,以及該個體本身屬性資料之集合;若將個體存在的向度擴展為4維時空,即一3維空間於連續時間下的所有資訊,4維的時空本體則包含轄下的所有客體在屬性、關係、變化資訊的總合。人類僅能看見單一時間點下的時空本體射影,係為2維的資訊,藉由兩眼視差與認知能力的輔助得轉化為接近3維的資訊;同理,一連續移動的物體會在人腦中形成連續射影的堆疊,就如同連續的圖面,在認知的轉換下可擷取與上一時間點相異的資訊。本研究以阿里山森林鐵道進行時空本體佐證與探討,此些富含歷史意義與文化價值的鐵路設施延續貫穿了一世紀的時間,為探究時空本體建立的拓樸邏輯架構也有助於記錄此些鐵路設施於保存維護的資訊,亦可作為後續對於當代歷史的理解與回顧時之依據。
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 時空本體文化資產數位保存Spatial-temporal OntologyAlishan Forest RailwayDigital Conservation
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201512 (12期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 通用型複合式質量阻尼器系統之時間延遲與去調諧效應交互影響研究




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