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Managing Design Integration When Architects and HVAC Engineers Collaborate
作者 馬琨斯‧普林恩 (Matthijs Prins)寇恩‧庫魯伊那
This paper reports on research into the relationship between process design and management, and the level of integration between the design of a building and its HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system. To measure the level of integration, a series of projects published in architectural journals was studied. Twelve criteria concerning integration were derived from this study. Professionals from the field were asked to review a range of projects using these criteria to determine the level of integration. There was substantial agreement on the level of integration in almost all cases The design process of more than 50 other projects was analysed by means of interviews focusing on the intensity of management procedures directed at process integration. The results of these projects were measured at three levels of integration based on the twelve criteria mentioned above. The study showed no significant correlation between management procedures and the level of integration. 本文報告關於程序設計與程序管理之間相互關係,及建築設計和其空調系統設計(含冷暖氣和通風設備)整合程度的研究。整合程度的測量方法乃是經由審視建築雜誌刊載的一系列建案,歸納出十二項衡量重重合程度的標準,再要求業界專業人士以此標準檢視不同建案的整合程度。結果在絕大部份的案例裡對於整合程度都獲得大致相同的結論。另外透過訪談的方式分析其它逾五十項建案,訪談內容主要是判別針對程序整合所訂定的管理流程的強度高低。再以上述十二項標準分為三級測量這些建案的整合程度。研究結果顯示管理流程和整合程度並無顯著關聯。
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 設計管理價值整合程序管理設計整合管理效能Design ManagementValueIntegrationProcess IntegrationDesign IntegrationManagement Effectiveness
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201112 (4期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 法蘭克‧洛伊‧萊特建築之平面與立面碎形維度的關係:比較草原風格、紡織積木與美國風時期




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