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Anticipating Future Climate Change: A Single House, Urban Case Study
作者 茱莉亞•瑪緒
A low carbon house in a Nottingham inner-city community. Close to public transport, services and shops, it was designed and built as a 'live-work-grow' project. Designed for a changing climate, it exploits context to reduce energy usage, in particular extending adjacent brick terraces to insulate them. Using an iterative modelling approach to develop a design which employs a combination of sunspaces and passive ventilation, it also investigates possibilities for integrating a mass heat storage/buffer wall to modulate rising summer temperatures within the sunspace.Employing a holistic design approach, the project integrates low embodied energy materials with mass, zoned planning, rainwater recovery, energy generation and the control and limiting of energy use. The paper describes the project, its background and explores the use of context. It discusses the passive approach and iterative use of modelling in the design. It outlines the use of materials, construction methods, current progress with the control systems and lessons learned in making the building. Future research will include live monitoring of performance 'as is' and with variations to the exposed mass of the sunspace.
起訖頁 35-54
關鍵詞 內城未來氣候脈絡的整體的低能源Inner CityFuture ClimateContextualHolisticLow Energy
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201106 (3期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 某中學校舍蘊含二氧化碳之分析
該期刊-下一篇 英國之低碳住宅施工之分析




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