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Detailing Architectural Design-Learning to Detail from First, Sustainable, Principles
作者 史蒂芬‧艾密特
Students undertaking undergraduate degree programmes in architecture and associated degrees, such as architectural technology and architectural engineering, need to develop an understanding of how and why buildings are detailed. Typically students learn to detail buildings by copying and adapting details from publications such as journals and construction technology books, from manufacturers’ details and more recently from surfing the internet. The challenge with this approach is that students may fail to understand ‘why’ the detail is composed as it is and hence find it difficult to learn ‘how’ to detail buildings. Furthermore, such an approach to learning reinforces a relatively conservative approach to detailing where innovation tends to be an incremental process. The question arises as to whether such an approach is appropriate when trying to design and detail buildings that have environmentally sustainable credentials. This article describes an approach taken at Loughborough University in the UK where a new module 'Architectural Detailing' aims to develop student's skills in designing creative and environmentally sustainable architectural details. Coursework is deliberately designed with demanding performance parameters, which makes it impossible to copy topical details. Students are required to develop conceptual details from first, environmentally sustainable, principles using a simple decision support tool, and then develop these concepts into working drawings. Reflecting on the students' work, student feedback from two cohorts and reflection on the module by the author, it appears that students appreciate the link between design and production-appreciating the 'why' and the 'how'-while also developing a better understanding of sustainable design. 研讀建築技術與建築工程等建築相關學系的大學生,應該要了解如何詳述建築以及詳述建築之原因。一般而言,學生學習詳述建築的方式,均透過模仿與修改期刊、建築科技書籍或是建築商之內容,近年來甚至流行用網路搜尋。這些方式所面臨的挑戰為,學生可能不明白詳述的方式,並且認為學習詳述建築是很困難的。此外,此種學習方式會使詳述的學習更加地保守,因為創新是一種漸進的過程。問題在於,設計與詳述擁有永續發展環境憑證之建築時,此種方式是否恰當。本文介紹英國拉夫堡大學所採用的新詳述建築模式,以發展學生設計創意與詳述環境永續發展建築之技巧。作業的設計刻意加上性能要求參數,因此無法複製問題的細節。學生必須藉由簡單的決策工具,從首要、環境永續與原則為基礎,進而將這些概念運用到施工圖當中。從觀察學生的作業、兩組學生的反饋以及作者對此模式的觀察當中發現,學生對於設計與生產之間的原因與方式有正面回應,同時更深入地了解永續發展的設計。
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 建築詳述教育首要原則創新永續發展Architectural detailingeducationfirst principlesinnovationsustainability
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201006 (1期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 震後村落重建與恢復之永續發展




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