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From the Impersonal to the Ecological: Critique of Neoliberalism and Vision of Ecocosmopolitanism in Wu Ming-Yi's The Stolen Bicycle
From the Impersonal to the Ecological: Critique of Neoliberalism and Vision of Ecocosmopolitanism in Wu Ming-Yi's The Stolen Bicycle
作者 You-ting Chen
The Stolen Bicycle begins with the story of the narrator's endeavor to retrieve the stolen family bicycle but slowly expands to incorporate more stories revolving around lost bicycles. These stories offer an alternative look into the material transformation of Taiwan and Southeast Asia during and after World War II. By turns sprawling and intimate, the complicated narrative entwines memories of personal loss around various historical developments. To read this novel as another testimony to imperial invasion or to subsume it under the genre of historical realism, however, would be missing the subtle critique the novel mounts against neoliberalism. This essay aims to tease out such a critique by examining the novel's inclusion of different narrative forms and its use of a detached narrator. I argue that by having stories of others included in his narrative in their own forms, the narrator gives up his control over the narrative and allows himself to be exposed to a larger ecosystem. And the detached position that he adopts further enables him to passive-actively participate in such an ecosystem. As such, the novel revises our vision of ecocosmopolitanism, a vision based not on a personal but on an impersonal form of ecological engagement.
起訖頁 33-52
關鍵詞 Wu Ming-YiThe Stolen Bicycleneoliberalismimpersonal feelingsecocosmopolitanism
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 201906 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 “Include Me Out”: Reading Eileen Chang as a World Literature Author
該期刊-下一篇 Compound Eyes and Limited Visions: Wu Ming-Yi's “Weak Anthropocentric” Gaze for World Literature




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