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Interaction between mycorrhizal fungi and soil bacteria
作者 宋英平吳羽婷
菌根菌是普遍存在於土壤內的真菌,能與植物產生互利共生,在自然生態系統中扮演著重要的角色。植物根系受到菌根菌感染時,會對植物型態及生理產生改變,植物根部的分泌物也會影響根域的土壤物理化學性質及微生物群落結構。菌根菌與特定的土壤細菌會產生交互作用,直接或間接的促進植物生長並影響根域的細菌群落結構。這些有益的根域土壤細菌更是主導自然界中主要的元素循環過程,幫助維持生態系統的功能及穩定。目前,國內外關於菌根菌與根域微生物交互作用的研究仍處於探索階段。隨著分子生物技術的發展,有助於微生物生態學者更深入的研究菌根菌與根域微生物之間的交互作用。 Mycorrhizal fungi are one of the fungi that are ubiquitous in soil that can be form a symbiotic relationship with plants and therefore, play an important role in the natural ecosystem. When mycorrhizal fungi associated with plant roots, the plant appearance and physiology would change. The root exudates of the mycorrhizae affect the soil physicochemical properties and influence microbial community structure. Interaction between mycorrhizal fungi and specific soil bacteria can directly or indirectly enhance plant growth, and affect the rhizosphere bacterial community structure. These beneficial rhizosphere soil bacteria also involved in the main cycles of mineral nutrients in the nature, and help maintain the function and stability of the ecosystem. Currently, the research on the interaction between mycorrhizal and rhizosphere microorganisms is still in the exploration stage, microbial ecologists can further understand the interaction with the development of advance molecular technologies.
起訖頁 277-287
關鍵詞 菌根菌根域土壤細菌交互作用mycorrhizal fungirhizosphere soil bacteriainteraction
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201812 (40:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 金門與馬祖植物誌疏漏屬--隱子草屬(禾本科,Cleistogenes Keng)及其成員
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣崩塌地植生復育方法之研究




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