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The Path Dependence of institutional change from Deed Registration System into the Registration Right In the Beginning of recovery; The Cadastral Case Studies of “Wang Fan" and “Wang Sheng Fan"
作者 莊谷中
台灣的土地登記制度,在日本統治末期,採取「契據登記制」,光復後則轉變為「權利登記制」,兩種不同制度,各有不同的作業邏輯與制度規範。光復初期辦理「土地權利憑證繳驗」階段,由於兩種不同制度的差異未被重視,以及戰亂方酣,民眾的土地權利憑證失落無存等原因,導致誤以死者名義辦理土地登記、登記名義人姓名、名稱或住址記載不全或不符者,所在多有。2008年制定「地籍清理條例」之目的,乃在清理該些地籍登載疑義,以促進土地利用。學理上,「制度變遷」過程,往往伴隨「路徑依賴」現象,用以降低社會交易成本。事實上,上述兩個不同制度的轉換過程,政府部門亦曾制定相關過渡措施,用以保障民眾權利。日據時期土地權利若已移轉(出售),未及登記為新權利人所有前,原權利(出賣)人既已死亡者,該土地權利,於台灣光復初期,仍可以被准許,由新權利(承買)人獨自申請土地登記,合法取得土地權利,乃根據當時相關過渡措施,諸如:日本的「不動產登記法」、我國的「收復地區臨時土地登記規則」、「土地法施行法」,以及「土地登記規則」,所允許的合法登記行為。這項研究發現,對於光復初期,為何出賣人既已死亡,其土地權利仍可被移轉登記給新權利人所有,提出合理解釋,對於加速相關土地權利爭議案件清理,有莫大貢獻! Regarding to land registration system in Taiwan, it had followed deed registration system in the late period of Japanese and had applied in rights registration system in the beginning of recovery. Both concepts and logical guidance are totally different. It had examined land rights certificate inspection in the beginning of recovery. Unfortunately, the differences between both systems had not been paid attention due to the war. Furthermore, the land rights certificate inspection had lost and misunderstood to take the title of deceased for the land registration. Because of this, there were errors of title of names, title and address comparing the reality. In 2008, the Cadastral Clearance Act has been established and the purpose clarifies the error and facility the usage of lands. Regarding to the theory, the fact of path dependence has accompanied with the process of institutional changes because of cut down the social transaction costs. In fact, the transitory process of both systems had guided for those regulation to protect the human right. During the Japanese occupation, the process of land registration had been not completely transformation process of the land right as selling due to the death of owner. The new property owner, as a buyer, could be allowed individually completely register land to legally receive land right. It has been considered the legal registered and has been written in Real estate registration law, Recover area, Temporary Land Registration Rules, Enforcement Act of Land Act, or Regulations of The Land Registration. This study has been discovered the evidence that the land right could transform to a new landowner for proper explanation in the early days of Taiwan's recovery. It has been contribution in solving the crisis of land properties.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 制度變遷路徑依賴權利登記制契據登記制地籍清理條例Institutional ChangePath DependenceRights registration systemDeed registration systemCadastral Clearance Act
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201807 (29期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 日本不動產相關法規(第一集):宅地建物交易業法(譯文)




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