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The Images of Du Mu and Li Shangyin in Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji and Tang Shi San Bai Shou: Additional Study on the Concepts of Poetic Ethics in the Two Selections
作者 陳美朱
沈德潛的《唐詩別裁集》與孫洙的《唐詩三百首》是清代頗富盛名的唐詩選本。《唐詩別裁集》雖有「初刻」(康熙56年)與「重訂」(乾隆28年)兩種版本,但以選本弘揚「雅正」詩教觀的理念卻始終如一。成書於乾隆28年(1763)的《唐詩三百首》,與《唐詩別裁集》初刻本選詩重複者高達七成,兩書相異處集中在近體詩,尤其是李商隱與杜牧詩的選評。在「雅正」詩教觀的主導下,沈德潛刻意刪汰了杜牧、李商隱的「輕薄」與「穠麗」之作,尤其是兩家傳世名作如〈遣懷〉、〈贈別〉(杜牧)與〈錦瑟〉、〈無題〉(李商隱)等詩,改以「遠韻遠神」與「接武少陵」作為李、杜兩家的真面目。然而,沈德潛所黜落的言情遣懷諸詩,孫洙不僅多數選入,且附有旁批指點其要。可見《唐詩三百首》雖以《唐詩別裁集》作為選詩底本,說詩亦強調「溫柔敦厚」的詩教,但對杜牧與李商隱詩的選評,與沈德潛卻大異其趣,成為兩部選本差異的關鍵因素。本文擬比較杜牧、李商隱在兩部選本中的形象差異,從中不僅得以概見沈德潛與孫洙的選詩要旨,亦可理解選家如何藉由選詩以塑造詩人形象。再者,《唐詩別裁集》選詩雖合乎「雅正」卻有不近人情之嫌;《唐詩三百首》雖然「近情」卻未必合乎雅正,兩家選詩各有利弊得失,何者更能被當代讀者所接受?也是本文擬延伸探討的議題。 Shen Deqian's Tang Shi BieCaiJi and Sun Zhu's Tang Shi San Bai Shou are both famous Tang poetry selections of Qing Dynasty. Although there are two editions of Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji, the original (1717) and the revised (1763) ones, both of they consistently promote the “poetic ethics of elegant legitimism” (yazheng). While up to seventy percent of poems selected by Tang Shi San Bai Shou, which was compiled in 1763, overlap with those in the original edition of Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji, the main difference of the two selections comes down to “regulated verse”, particularly to the selection and critique of poems of Li Shangyin and Du Mu. Directed by the “poetic ethics of elegant legitimism”, Shen Deqian consciously removed the “shallow” (qingbo) and “gaudy” (nongli) works of the two poets addressed above, especially their masterpieces such as Du Mu's “Qian Huai”, “Zeng Bie” and Li Shangyin's “Jin Se”, “Wu Ti”. At the same time he made “having lasting appeal” (yuanyun yuanshen) and “inheriting the characteristic of Du Fu” (Jiewu Shaoling) as the real images of the poets. However, Sun Zhu not only conversely selected many of those romantic and lyric work removed by Shen Deqian, but also added notations to give reading directions. This observation shows that although Tang Shi San Bai Shou selected poems based on Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji and it also emphasized the poetic ethics of “gentleness and kind heartedness” (wenrou dunhou), it has a significantly different attitude towards Du Mu and Li Shangyin in comparison with Shen Deqian, which serves as the critical distinction between the two selections. This paper compares the different images of Du Mu and Li Shangyin in the two selections, from which the fundamental ideas of poem selections of Shen Deqian and Sun Zhu could be generalized. Meanwhile, the question of how they shaped the images of poets through selecting poems could be asked. Moreover, both Shen Deqian and Sun Zhu's works have their advantages and weaknesses. While the former corresponds with “elegant legitimism” but seems to be “inhumane”, the latter is an opposite case. Which selection would be more acceptable to modern readers is an extended issue that the paper intends to explore.
起訖頁 49-81
關鍵詞 《唐詩別裁集》《唐詩三百首》李商隱杜牧詩教Tang Shi Bie Cai JiTang Shi San Bai ShouLi ShangyinDu Mupoetic ethics
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201906 (37期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《詩經‧小雅‧楚茨》疑義辨證
該期刊-下一篇 論一九七零年代香港城市詩的特色:以舒巷城、羈魂及梁秉鈞為例




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