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國家圖書館年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Reading Brings Happiness to Taiwan
作者 國家圖書館年報編輯部
2018年第26屆臺北國際書展於2月6至11日在臺北世界貿易中心舉行,本館邀請國立臺灣圖書館、國立公共資訊圖書館聯合參展,以「書海奇航」為展覽主題。展場規劃古典閱讀、美學閱讀、數位閱讀3個展區。古典閱讀區展示主題以圖書演進史為主軸,展示本館典藏之甲骨刻辭、金石拓片、鈔本、批校本、手繪本、雕版印刷、彩色套印到活字印刷本,共精選15種館藏古籍複製品。美學閱讀區呈現二次大戰以前臺灣在圖書設計的豐富面相,以及國立臺灣圖書館在身心障礙服務上的努力。數位閱讀區展示歷年來圖書館視聽服務機器設備,從古早的黑膠唱片機、錄音(影)帶、幻燈片投影機、隨身聽、LD雷射影碟,到現代的數位媒體。另安排12場專人導覽及動靜態體驗活動,引領參觀民眾體驗悠遊書海之樂趣。書展期間本館也獲香港和印度贈書,達到圖書文化交流之意。 The 26th Taipei International Book Exhibition was held between February 6 and 11, 2018, in the Exhibition Hall of the Taipei World Trade Center. The NCL held a joint exhibition with the theme “Fantastic Sailing through a Sea of Books” with the National Taiwan Library and the National Library of Public Information. The exhibition was divided into three areas, including an area for classic reading, an area for aesthetic reading, and an area for digital reading. The main theme of display in the area of classic reading was the evolution of books; 15 replicas of rare books from the NCL’s collection, including books on oracle bone engravings, bronze and stone rubbings, codices, marginalia and proofread editions, hand-painted editions, woodblock printing, process printing, and moveable-type printing were on display. The area for aesthetic reading showed the rich book designs made in Taiwan prior to World War II together with the National Taiwan Library’s services for the disabled. The area for digital reading exhibited various types of machines and equipment used by the library’s Video and Audio Services over the years, including vinal record players in the early days, video and audio tapes, slide projectors, walkmans, LD laser discs, and contemporary digital media. In addition, twelve special-guided tours and mobile activities were arranged to encourage the public to experience the joy of reading all kinds of books and materials. During the exhibition, the NCL received books donated from Hong Kong and India--a perfect demonstration of cultural exchange through books.
起訖頁 60-73
刊名 國家圖書館年報  
期數 2018 (2018期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 攜手合作,引領專業(2018)
該期刊-下一篇 全球布局,漢動天下(2018)




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