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The Guomindang's Provincial Party Headquarters in Shanxi: A Study of Organization and Personnel, 1938-1944
作者 梁馨蕾
抗戰爆發後,閻錫山與國民黨中央聯合抗日關係的達成,使國民黨黨部得以重回山西。但周旋於國民黨、中共與日本之間的晉閻勢力,也自發組建了具有地方政黨性質的組織—民族革命同志會,與各方力量相抗衡。蔣介石為維持合作局面,試圖通過在黨務發展與人事派遣等事項上的較大讓步,借以換取晉閻一方安定。在這一過程中,國民黨山西省黨部書記長黃樹芬在加強蔣閻聯絡、調和山西黨政軍關係,以及化解地方衝突等方面均發揮了重要作用。此外,對以黃樹芬為代表的國民黨中層黨務幹部個人仕途升降的考察,也有助於理解這一時期戰爭局勢的緊張、地方實力派強烈的離心傾向,甚或是國民黨內暗流湧動的派系鬥爭。 After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, a cooperative relationship was established between Yan Xishan and the Guomindang (GMD, Kuomintang), to make it possible for the GMD to return to Shanxi Province. However, Yan Xishan's forces that circled between the GMD, the Chinese Communist Party, and Japan also spontaneously formed an organization with the nature of a local political party, the National Revolutionary Comrades' Association, to compete with the forces of all parties. In order to maintain cooperation with Yan, Chiang Kai-shek tried to make greater concessions in matters such as party affairs development and personnel dispatch in exchange for the stability of Yan's side. In this process, Huang Shufen, the Secretary of the GMD's Shanxi Provincial Party Department, played an important role in strengthening ties between Chiang and Yan, reconciling relations between the Party, the government, and the army in Shanxi, and resolving local conflicts. In addition, the investigation of Huang Shufen's personal career as a representative of the GMD's middle-level Party cadres helps us to understand the tension of the war situation, the strong centrifugal tendency of the local power factions, and even factional struggles within the GMD.
起訖頁 77-109
關鍵詞 閻錫山蔣介石民族革命同志會山西省黨部黃樹芬Yan XishanChiang Kai-shekthe Comrades' Association of National RevolutionProvincial Party Headquarters in ShanxiHuang Shufen
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201906 (104期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 醫療、法律與地方社會:民國時期「劉梁醫訟案」再探
該期刊-下一篇 趙樹岡,《星火與香火:大眾文化與地方歷史視野下的中共國家形構》




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