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Qian Mu’s Road to Academia Sinica Academician
作者 翟志成
如果以其崇高的學術地位和傑出的研究成績,史學大師錢穆早在1948年第一屆中央研究院院士的遴選中,理應當選為院士;然而,錢氏的當選院士,卻遲至1968年第七屆中央研究院院士的遴選中,才成為事實。這不合常理的二十年的稽遲,到底隱藏了什麼故事?本文利用中研院及胡適紀念館的檔案,相關人士的回憶錄、日記、已刊和未刊的書信,以及對當事人的訪談,重構了錢穆在1959年中研院第三屆院士遴選中失利的歷史現場;並藉此為依據,剖析錢穆在稽遲了二十年之後才當上院士的原因。本文還透過胡適對錢穆的真實評價,藉以突顯反傳統主義和文化保守主義之間的在文化認同上的根本對立和衝突。 Given his high academic standing and outstanding researchachievements, the great historian Qian Mu should have been elected as anacademician, Academia Sinica’s highest honor, at its first convocation in1948. However, he was only elected in the seventh convocation in 1968.Why was there this unreasonable twenty-year delay? In order to reconstructthe specific circumstances of Qian Mu’s failure to be elected in the thirdconvocation in 1959, this article makes use of archives from Academia Sinicaand Hu Shih Memorial Hall, memoirs, diaries, and published and unpublishedprivate letters, as well as interviews. Based on these materials, this articleprovides insight as to why Qian Mu only became an academician of theAcademia Sinica after a twenty-year delay. Excavating Hu Shi’s trueopinions of Qian Mu, this article also throws light the fundamentalcontradictions between iconoclasm and cultural conservatism in culturalidentity that so embroiled the intellectuals of the twentieth century.
起訖頁 91-126
關鍵詞 錢穆胡適中研院院士文化保守主義五四思潮Qian MuHu ShiAcademician of Academia Sinicacultural conservatismiconoclasm
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201903 (103期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 晚清江南社會的紳權與信任危機:以常熟為中心
該期刊-下一篇 余敏玲,《形塑「新人」:中共宣傳與蘇聯經驗》




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