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Improvement Scheme to Shorten Waiting Times for Prenatal Tests for Pregnant Women
作者 曾秀芬劉千禎林佩儀
目的:本專案目的在於縮短孕婦產檢總就醫時間,優化門診產檢照護品質。方法:單位成立跨專業改善小組,組員多次會議討論,運用現況分析、文獻查證、查檢法與三現法等品管手法,分析出真因為:一、過早至門診等候;二、太晚來門診過號太多;三、等待個案管理師衛教;四、等待批價過久;五、看診、批價與檢查非同層樓。2015年01月至2016年02月透過專案進行流程檢視及改善,解決方案為:增設電腦應用程式看診即時動態、修訂並實施看診過號規範、增加個案管理師e化照護提示模式及產檢提示單、整合門診就醫動線。結果:經專案改善後,有效縮短孕婦總就醫時間由160.6分降為88.7分鐘,滿意度由68分提升至86分。結論:了解個案需求,整合臨床就診服務,有效營造友善就醫環境,提高門診服務品質。 Purposes: The aim of this study was to shorten the waiting times for prenatal tests for pregnant women and improve outpatient service quality. Methods: A cross-disciplinary improvement group was formed, and members of the group carried out multiple discussions and employed current situation analyses, literature reviews, and inspections to analyze the root causes of the problems: (1) early arrival at the outpatient department; (2) being late for appointments and missing registration numbers; (3) waiting for health education to be carried out by case managers; (4) long waiting times for pricing at the cashier; and (5) medical consultation, pricing, and examination being on different floors. From January 2015 to February 2016, a program was implemented for procedure inspection and improvement. The solutions were the addition of computer applications for real-time outpatient dynamics, revision and implementation of outpatient registration standards, increasing the E-based pregnancy care plans for case managers and prenatal testing reminders, and integrating the outpatient treatment route. Results: After implementation of this improvement plan, the average treatment time for pregnant women was reduced from 160.6 minutes to 88.7 minutes, and the satisfaction increased from 68% to 86%. Conclusions: Understanding patient needs and integrating clinical outpatient services can effectively create a friendly environment and improve outpatient service quality.
起訖頁 85-92
關鍵詞 孕婦產檢就醫時間門診照護Prenatal testingMedical treatment timeOutpatient care
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201910 (15:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 個案管理師角色於一位初診斷乳癌婦女術後行化學治療之照護經驗




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