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Examination of the Factors Associated with Adult Metabolism when a Lactic Acid Bacteria Complex is used for Weight Loss in Adults
作者 賴淑娥顏家棋王雪芳
目的:本研究旨在探討以乳酸菌複合物(Probio-S)減輕體重之成人的代謝症候群症狀因子之變化並與身體質量指數(BMI)正常者做對照分析。方法:以食用乳酸菌複合物減重且完成基因蛋白分析45位為受試者,其中肥胖組有26位,正常BMI組(對照組)19位。所有受試者食用Probio-S乳酸菌複合物6週,每日9粒膠囊(4.5g/day,含2g三合一乳酸菌粉),每餐飯後3粒。Probio-S(總菌數5×1010 CFU/g)包含鼠李糖乳酸桿菌LCR177Lactobacillus rhamnosus LCR177)、乳酸片球菌PA318(Bifidobacterium Adolescentis PA318)及青春雙岐桿菌BA266(Pediococcus Acidilactici BA266),並收集個人基本資料及分析血液檢體,評估以Probio-S體重減輕者之代謝症候群症狀、心血管疾病危險因子及肥胖相關基因蛋白(Vasfatin、Adipsin與IL-6),並與正常BMI者做對照分析。結果:受試者在飲食熱量攝取增加的情況下實際體重、BMI與體脂肪率仍然有降低,且肥胖組有提升Adipsin和降低Visfatin與IL-6基因蛋白表現量,也提升血漿HDL-C值和降低收縮壓、舒張壓、腰圍、三酸甘油酯等代謝症候群症狀,並減少LDL/HDL、TC/HDL、TC與LDL-C值等心血管疾病發展因子,同時也有降低肝功能指標SGOT和提升血清鈣值。而正常BMI組對代謝症候群症狀與心血管疾病危險因子亦有類似的效果。結論:食用Probio-S減重者似乎有促進健康及可以改善代謝症候群症狀和預防心血管疾病發展與延緩代謝相關慢性病罹病風險。 Purposes: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in adult metabolic syndrome factors when the lactic acid bacteria complex (Probio-S) was used for weight loss and to carry out a comparative analysis with subjects with normal body mass index (BMI). Methods: Forty-five subjects who consumed Probio-S for weight loss, and for whom gene and protein analysis were performed, were enrolled in this study. Of these subjects, 26 were allocated to the obese group and 19 to the normal BMI group (control group). All subjects consumed Probio-S for 6 weeks, 3 capsules after each meal, totaling 9 capsules per day (4.5 g/day, containing 2 g of 3-in-1 lactic acid bacteria powder). Probio-S (total number of bacteria 5×10^(10) CFU/g) contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus LCR177, Bifidobacterium adolescentis PA318, and Pediaococcus acidilactici BA266. Basic personal information was collected, and blood samples were analyzed. Metabolic syndrome symptoms, cardiovascular risk factors, and obesity-related genes and proteins (visfatin, adipsin, and IL-6) were compared between obese and normal subjects who consumed Probio-S. Results: Body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage were reduced with Probio-S consumption under increased dietary caloric intake. In the obese group, adipsin levels were elevated, and the gene and protein expression of visfatin and IL-6 decreased. Plasma HDL-C increased while systolic and diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference, triglyceride levels, and other metabolic syndrome symptoms decreased. In addition, LDL/HDL, TC/HDL, TC, LDL-C levels, and other risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases decreased. The liver function marker, SGOT levels decreased while serum calcium levels increased. The normal BMI group also showed similar effects on metabolic syndrome symptoms and risk factors for cardiovascular disease development. Conclusions: People who consumed Probio-S for weight loss seem to experience health promoting effects, improvements in metabolic syndrome symptoms, cardiovascular disease prevention, and delayed risk of developing chronic metabolic-related diseases.
起訖頁 9-22
關鍵詞 乳酸菌複合物肥胖身體質量指數代謝症候群Lactic acid bacteria complexObesityBody mass indexMetabolic syndrome
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201910 (15:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 論醫療情境中的習慣與陌生
該期刊-下一篇 應用影像處理於視網膜光學斷層掃描下自動描繪及測量脈絡膜厚度




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