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A Narrative Study on the Graphic Novel Watchmen
作者 鄭慕尼
《守護者》(Watchinan)是《時代雜誌》於2005年評選為自1923年至今百部最佳英文小說,也是目前唯一得到世界科幻協會(the World Science Fiction Society)雨果獎的圖像小說,更是圖像小說最重要的三部早期經典之一。作者亞倫‧摩爾(Alan Moore)為八〇年代引領美國漫畫的重要人物,而繪者戴夫‧吉本斯(DaveGibbons)自1982年開始為DC漫畫工作,並承擔許多主要角色的繪製。《守護者》的敘事結構複雜。在圖像敘事上,本文援引格容斯帝恩(Thierry Groensteen)在《漫畫與敘事》(Corticsand Narration)中的分析方法,分別從敘事者的作用和漫畫節奏來探討《守護者》的整體編節。由於《守護者》引領英雄漫畫脫離舊有神話類型,故事角色的性格隨劇情演化變得越來越不可預期,更能反應出人類真實情感的樣貌。故事不再採用封閉性結構,而成為開放性且多支線的敘事,也促使讀者在閱讀過程中必須進行更深入的思考。因而《守護者》被視為是圖像小說的重要典範,為讀者創造出嶄新的敘事體驗,也為所有漫畫創作者立下新的標竿。 According to TIME Magazine, Watchmen is one of the best English-language novels published since 1923, and it is the only graphic novel to have received the Hugo Award, which is presented by the World Science Fiction Society. The Watchmen is one of the three early classic graphic novels. The author, Alan Moore, was an important writer of mainstream American comics in the eighties, and the illustrator, Dave Gibbons, who began working for DC comics in 1982, was responsible for drawing many key characters. The narrative structure of Watchmen is complex. This paper cites Groensteen's analysis of visual storytelling in Comics and Narration and explores the overall braiding of Watchmen through the function of the narrator and the rhythms of comics. Watchman breaks away from the traditional form of mythological nature of superhero comics, with the characters in the story becoming increasingly unpredictable as the plot evolves, which better reflects the overall emotions of human beings. The story adopts an open and multi-branched narration style, rather than a closed structure, which drives readers to reflect more deeply during the reading process. Therefore, Watchman is regarded as an important model for graphic novels, creating a fresh narrative experience for readers and setting a new benchmark for all comic creators.
起訖頁 101-118
關鍵詞 《守護者》亞倫‧摩爾圖像小說提里‧格容斯帝恩戴夫‧吉本斯WatchmenAlan Mooregraphic novelsThierry GroensteenDave Gibbons
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201906 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 獨白、毒白?:莎士比亞「關鍵性獨白」之舞台表演VS.影像表演
該期刊-下一篇 人類世中的危機與轉機:讀蔡振興的《生態危機與文學研究》




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