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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Structural Violence in Neoliberalism: From Home to Homelessness in Andre Dubus III's House of Sand and Fog
作者 黃耀弘
《塵霧家園》是安德烈‧杜布斯三世於十多年前的創作,其內容忠實貼切地反映出當代社會中市井小民在劇烈經濟壓力下的掙扎與哀愁。小說描述兩個美國移民主角因為政府錯拍了其中一人的房子,導致因房子買賣與爭奪兩敗俱傷的悲劇。本文從大衛‧哈維與紀傑克的角度來閱讀安德烈‧杜布斯三世的《塵霧家園》,藉以反思新自由主義所帶來的結構性問題。新自由主義一方面讓個人追尋利益極大化,把房屋當成商品,投入自由市場待價而沽;因此著重於房屋的「交換價值」,僅視其為商品。此種利益導向便和傳統社會中,把房屋當家、看重房屋的「使用價值」的這種價值觀產生了強烈衝突。另一方面,由於在新自由市場政策下,政府並不會插手管制或限制以利益為優先的自由經濟市場,也不會著手弭平「交換價值」與「使用價值」之間的競爭;所以當堅持著不同價值觀的主體與鄰人,其生存權因為同樣的不動產而被硬生生地推擠壓迫、互不相讓時,衝擊自然無法避免。就是在這巨大的衝突下,少校比哈尼和凱西只能各自執著於家的價值(交換/使用),追求理想的身分認同與社會關係;逐漸使得雙方把那人當作敵人,衝突因而擴大、壓力因此遽增;最後當保持安全距離的「象徵秩序」消失時,兩方最終只能以自殺與屠殺的激烈方式對人生提出最沉痛的抗議,悲慟地面對吾家、無家的下場。 Written in 1999, House of Sand and Fog features two protagonists, Massoud Amir Behrani, an émigré and former Iranian Air Force officer, and Kathy Lazaro, a recovering cocaine addict. Living a humble life in exile with his family, Behrani dreams of restoring his family's fortunes, and to this end plans to buy and resell a house in California. When that house's former owner, Kathy, attempts to repossess the house, tensions between Behrani and Kathy swiftly deteriorate, and the intertwined fates soon spiral into a brutal vortex of violence and catastrophe. This essay examines Andre Dubus III's House of Sand and Fog from a Žižekian and Harvey's perspective, reflecting on how neoliberal policy brings about the structural problems of exploitation. Both Behrani and Kathy either live or seek refuge in neoliberal society. Kathy focuses on the “use value” of the house that offers her a stable identity and sense of security while Behrani sees the “exchange value” of the house as the only way to save his family. These two contradictory forces bring them into endless conflicts. For Kathy and Deputy Sheriff Lester Burdon, they see Behrani as the greedy neighbor who has everything in their hands. Behrani regards Kathy as the childish and spoiled American, who will foolishly destroy the future of his family. The Americans are so spoiled that they are unworthy of rich opportunities. When the symbolic order that keeps them from threatening each other disappears, they decide to restore their “sense of belonging” and confront their threatening neighbor by the most “aggressive reterritorialization.”
起訖頁 25-61
關鍵詞 新自由主義掠奪性累積交換價值使用價值鄰人他者neoliberalismneighborthe symbolic orderaggressive re-territorialization
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 201906 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 家在旅途中:辛西亞.角畑的小說《浮世》中之家、旅行與(不)流動
該期刊-下一篇 獨白、毒白?:莎士比亞「關鍵性獨白」之舞台表演VS.影像表演




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