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Planning and Teaching Effectiveness Assessment of Service Marketing Employment Course Teaching Program
作者 沈慶龍
勞動部勞動力發展署為培育大專生之職涯實務能力,以強化其職場競爭力,並提升畢業即就業之無縫接軌目標,從97學年度開始,特別辦理並補助以大四學生為教學對象的就業學程計畫案。服務行銷就業學程從99學年度至今,已持續獲得9年的補助,其執行成效除了廣受每年評鑑委員的高度肯定外,更分別在100學年度獲得教育部,及104學年度獲得勞動部勞動力發展署的全國績優學程獎勵。就業學程為互補系本位課程之不足,並考量服務業對臺灣經濟發展的重要地位,以及服務業面臨人才需求的困境,因此,焦點於服務業並以行銷企劃作為教學與課程設計之主軸,主要之規劃包括:1.專精課程:包括「服務傳送系統管理實務」、「行銷研究實務」及「行銷企劃撰寫實務」三門課;2.共通核心職能課程:包含動機、行為與知識職能;3.職場體驗:包括高、屏四家知名企業,進行120小時之實習與體驗。以上大約80%的課程單元,精心邀請實務界且具有研究所以上學歷之中、高階主管,蒞臨授課。另外,為探討學程規劃對22位參與學員,在學程滿意度及就業競爭力提升上的助益,一方面將藉由舉辦座談會的方式,進行期末成果檢討會以獲致質性的分析;另一方面將透過教育部UCAN平台,測量學員在「職場共通職能」及「專業職能(行銷)」能力上的成長情形,收集時間序列的資料值,並透過結構方程潛在成長模型,進行學員就業力提升的量化分析。資料分析結果顯示,學員在參與學程訓練課程後,對整體學程之規劃與執行,均給予高度的肯定,並在就業力的提升上,也獲得顯著性的成長,另在「性別」及「系別」的學員上,也顯現不同的初始值與學習成長斜率,此一結果均有助於未來在學程規劃修正上之參考依據。 In order to enhance the workplace employment competitiveness of senior year college students, the Workforce Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor has sponsored an employment course teaching program from the 97th school year. The Service Marketing Employment Course Teaching Program has been receiving 9 years' subsidy since 99th school year. The planning and implementation of this program was highly recognized by the annual appraisers and received National Outstanding Program Award from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor in 100th and 104th school years respectively. This program has focused on the service industry and marketing planning as the teaching and curriculum design. The major plans of this program include: 1.Specialized Courses: including Service Delivery System Management Practice, Marketing Research Practice and Marketing Planning Practice; 2. Common core capabilities course; 3. Workplace experience: including 120 hours experience in 4 well-known enterprises form Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. About 80% of the above courses were lectures-given by middle to top managers from the practitioners. In order to explore the teaching effectiveness, this program adopted Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) to examine the effects of this program in enhancing the student's workplace employment competitiveness. Longitudinal data were collected through the UCAN platform. This program also adopted a qualitative research design to collect the students' satisfaction data on every aspect of the program planning .The research conclusions indicate that after participating in this program , the students did gain significant improvement in their employment competitiveness and a highly satisfactions on the program design.
起訖頁 65-97
關鍵詞 就業學程服務行銷潛在成長模型教學規劃教學成效Employment Course Teaching ProgramService MarketingLatent Growth ModelingCurriculum PlanningTeaching Effectiveness
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 201906 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 流行文化融入國小高年級藝術與人文課程之研究




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