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Modern Japanese and Korean Popular Music: Comparing the Use of English Code Switchings in the Lyrics
作者 李帥謝菁玉
Code switching to English is a phenomenon that occurs in various types of communication. This paper delves into the use of English in Japanese and Korean popular music and attempts to answer the following questions: (1) Are there differences in how English in used in Japanese music compared to its use in Korean music? (2) How about each culture's attitude towards using English in music? The music as well as lyrics were analyzed and coded. Results showed that Korean music uses much more English than Japanese music does. This can be seen at the micro level and macro level. Post-war relationships between Korea and America, and Japan and America still affect how English is used in contemporary music. Attitudes towards education and English self- efficacy cause Japanese music to use less English than what is used in Korean Music. 英語是當今的國際語言,語碼轉換至英文在各樣的對話中很常見,在歌曲中亦是如此。本文收集2010到2012年日本和韓國的流行歌曲,從當中觀察其英文語碼轉換的現象,接著看兩國文化對音樂中語言使用的影響。研究結果顯示韓國流行歌曲的歌詞使用較多英文語碼轉換,日文的流行歌曲中較少有此語言現象。這和二次戰後的美、韓或美、日關係以及教育當局的英語策略、英語使用者的態度等都息息相關。
起訖頁 83-106
關鍵詞 韓國流行音樂日本流行音樂英語語碼轉換Korean pop musicJapanese pop musicEnglishcode switching
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201906 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 生態永續的藝術想像
該期刊-下一篇 書評:論Gianni Vattimo的Art’s Claim to Truth




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