中文摘要 |
In the lead up to the 2013 federal election, the Liberal-National Party Coalition declared its determination to abolish the Labor government's carbon tax and abolish or modify related climate change policies. The Coalition, led by Tony Abbott, released its election policy platform Our Plan: Real Solutions for all Australians. The policy announced that the very first act of a Coalition government would be to immediately abolish ‘the world's biggest carbon tax'. This would be complemented by several other measures, including getting rid of the recently introduced tax on mining companies' super profits, suspending the operation of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and cutting redtape regulations to streamline environmental approval processes that it claimed were frustrating investment in mining and resource development. Following its election, the Coalition government also moved to lower the ambitions of the Renewable Energy Target, which had set the goal of increasing the proportion of energy produced by renewable methods to 20 per cent by 2020.
艾伯特(Tony Abbott)所領導的自由國家黨聯盟(the Liberal-National Party Coalition)在2013年擊敗工黨,成為執政黨。其選舉政策明白宣示將廢除工黨所制訂的碳稅(carbon tax)政策,以維持國家競爭力,並同時提出直接行動計畫(Direct Action Plan),以達到京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)的減排目標。艾伯特在執政後兌現選舉承諾,成為第一個廢除碳稅的國家,取而代之的則是減排基金(Emissions Reduction Fund),以鼓勵企業投資減排技術取代責罰。本文從三方面探討艾伯特政府的氣候變遷政策:一、直接行動計畫的理論基礎;二、執政聯盟推動政治議程所面臨的困難;以及三、能否藉由對於修改法案的支持,成功達成直接行動計畫所闡述的目標。 |