中文摘要 |
Chen Yinke’s research focused on scholarship both ancient and modern, aswell as both Chinese and foreign. Throughout his tenure as a professor in theTsinghua University Departments of Chinese and History starting in 1931, he wasconstantly concerned with the exegesis of literary works. During his late years, he evencategorized his related research exclusively into the studies of classical andcontemporary allusion, and developed a unique critical framework. His emphasis onallusion directly opposed the voices against the use of allusion that arose at theoutset of the New Culture Movement. In advocating his “Eight-Don’ts-ism” againstallusion, Hu Shi frequently quoted Chen Sanli’s poems as negative examples. QianXuantong even placed allusion as the antithesis of vernacular Chinese and urged thecomplete repudiation of all allusions. Despite their diminishing use in vernacularChinese, however, allusion still had its place in the field of literary theory. Duringthe early 1930s, Qian Zhongshu, a gifted student in the Department of ForeignLanguages of Tsinghua University, still emphasized the positive sides of allusion.Nevertheless, Chen Yinke’s emphasis on allusion in his research was still considereda revolt against the general trend at the time.
In consideration of this particular background, this paper investigates howChen Yinke reestablished the value of allusion in the fields of literary creation andpractical criticism through the interpretation of classical and contemporary allusion. It starts with integrating Chen Yinke’s studies of allusion into the context of literarycriticism, and reorganizes and reconstructs the formation process, conceptualsignificance and evaluation framework of his methods. Then the commontheoretical assumptions underlying both classical and contemporary allusion aredelineated from the perspective of literary and practical criticism, so as to deepenour understanding of the allusive criticism. In the last section, this paper provides anobjective assessment of the shortcomings and limitations of Chen Yinke’s researchmethods. It also evaluates the validity of Chen Yinke’s arguments against thechallenges and criticisms of allusion popularized by the May Fourth Movement. |